I am an award-winning poet. Poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Strange Horizons, Heartlines Spec, Radon Journal, Kaleidotrope, Penumbric, Star*Line, Shoreline of Infinity, Utopia Science Fiction, The Dread Machine, The Future Fire, Eccenctric Orbits and others. In 2023 I was gob-smacked to find that I won the André Velghe Award, one of Belgium’s most prestigious poetry awards.
Though I started writing poetry in 2022, I mainly began hitting the submission grinder in 2023. I’m now dubbing it the Year of Many Acceptances; I’ve been somewhat overwhelmed by the response. In 2023, I had over 20 poems published with many forthcoming in 2024 as well. I had a poem nominated for the Dwarf Stars Award in the same year.
I am also a translator and publisher of speculative fiction and poetry.
I am the founder of Speculatief, a Dutch-language magazine of award-winning speculative fiction and poetry in translation. Founded in 2022, Speculatief is a passion project and completely self-funded.
When not reading, translating or writing, I teach non-confessional (secular) humanism/ethics at a high school in Flanders, Belgium and strongly identify as a humanist. I am a devout film fan (somehow made it into the Cannes film festival in 2021) and an LGBTQI+ advocate. I am aro/ace and a first generation college graduate.
My influences are Ursula K. Le Guin, Patricia A. McKillip, Mary Soon Lee, Italo Calvino, José Saramago and others. I deeply believe- in the words of Le Guin- it doesn’t have to be way it is. If you would like to contact me, please use contact@goranlowie.net.